The Hemp Building Institute Announces Fundraising Effort to Create the IRC Commentary for the Hemp-lime Appendix.
The Hemp Building Institute leads the effort to complete the International Residential Code commentary
What: The Hemp Building Institute (HBI) is fundraising with a goal of $20,000 to create the International Residential Code (IRC) commentary for the Hemp-lime (Hempcrete) appendix.
When: The IRC commentary for the Hemp-lime appendix is due in early May 2023. The fundraiser starts February 23, 2023.
How: The HBI launches a fundraiser for $20,000 to cover the costs to create the IRC commentary for the Hemp-lime (Hempcrete) Construction appendix and give the hemp building industry a voice in this section of the code widely used by the highest levels of code and building professionals.
Relevance: Last year the hemp building industry had the Hemp-lime (Hempcrete) Construction Appendix BA accepted into the 2024 IRC code. The final step in the code writing process is the code commentary that is used by code officials and is meant to explain the code language. The HBI is leading the way to allow the hemp building industry to define what is stated in this section of the code.
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TENNESSEE: The hemp building industry took a giant leap forward when the Hemp-lime (Hempcrete) Construction Appendix BA was accepted by the International Code Council (ICC) to be included in the 2024 International Residential Code (IRC). The final step of the process is to write the IRC commentary and we have the opportunity to allow the hemp building industry to define what it says.
The Hemp Building Institute (HBI) is launching a fundraiser to pay for the expenses related to creating the commentary section of the code, which will allow the hemp building industry to further influence the understanding of the newly accepted IRC code language. The goal of $20,000 will cover the consultant fees and other expenses related to the drafting, review, and submission of the commentary.
The HBI plans to work together with industry leaders to create a commentary section that clarifies any potential misunderstandings and to expand the readers' understanding on known alternatives that may not have made it into the code. An example of this is clarifying that the IRC code covers the use of hemp-lime in wall systems but that it has also been successfully used in both ceiling and flooring applications.
Hemp building products have been increasing in popularity in Europe over their three decades of usage. The United States hemp building market has become more robust since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill which legalized the cultivation of hemp. The inclusion of these materials into building codes is a crucial step for acceptance in the mainstream construction industry.
Last year, the IRC hemp-lime appendix was accepted into the 2024 edition of the IRC code. The code language and reason statement were crafted by a team of experts and consultants. It was later reviewed by professionals from around the world, including participants from seven countries.
“This is an important step on a journey to making hempcrete an option for widespread adoption in the construction industry. Professionals in the construction industry now have a guide to what is required to build with hempcrete and educational material can be developed to spread the requirements of the code.” stated HBI President, Jacob Waddell.
Donations can be made at the fundraising campaign page. More information can be found at the project landing page.
The HBI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on driving the hemp building industry forward with projects focused on the creation of codes and standards, the performance of necessary testing for the industry, and educating the public on the uses of hemp building materials.
What they’re saying:
“The IRC commentary is an opportunity to make the code more useful, usable, and understandable.”
-David Eisenberg, Executive Director of the Development Center for Appropriate Technology
“In some ways the commentary can be more valuable than the code.”
-Martin Hammer, Architect and Code Specialist
About the HBI: The Hemp Building Institute's mission is to facilitate the creation of codes and standards, to help promote the competitive advantages of hemp building materials, and to educate the public on their uses.
Contact: Jacob Waddell President of the HBI 561-339-2638
